Call for Papers

The workshop aims to promote the exchange and discussion of state-of-the-art research in accounting. We invite papers analyzing issues in all areas of accounting research from an economic perspective.
The primary focus of the workshop is on papers that use economic modelling. Empirical and experimental papers that test economic models will also be considered for the workshop.

Possible Topics

  • Accounting information and capital markets
  • Corporate governance and executive compensation
  • Economics of financial reporting and standard setting
  • Economic roles of auditing
  • Financial disclosure and earnings management
  • Performance measurement and incentive design
  • Sustainability reporting (CSR, ESG)
  • Transfer pricing, budgeting

An electronic version of the submitted paper should be sent to

As in previous years, we will assign a discussant to most papers. We therefore expect presenters to act as a discussant for other papers.

Deadline for paper submission was February 1st, 2025.

The acceptance decision will be taken in a timely manner but no later than March 31.